

學年 學號 姓名 論文名稱 研討會/展演活動名稱 日期 地點
113 111726108 JAWHER 00 Effects of Adrenergic Receptor Activation on PDGF-Induced PAI-1 Expression in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells 2024 臺灣國際創新生物醫學峰會ICABS 113/10/25-26 中國醫藥大學
113 112337104 郭00 Momordica charantia Compound Overcomes Doxorubicin Resistance in Breast Cancer Cells by Deregulating SIRT1/Akt Pathway The 83th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association 113/09/19-21 日本福岡市
112 110726103 李00 Mitochondrial dynamicsshifts toward fissionin lymph node metastatic oral squamous cell carcinoma cells (Travel Grant) The 82th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association 112/09/21-23 日本橫濱
112 112337104 郭00 Momordica charantia如何通過ROS介導的線粒體損傷克服乳腺癌細胞對順鉑的抗藥性 The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association 112/09/21-23 日本橫濱
111 110726102 黃00 Regulation of ethanol metabolism by two-component system EmaSR in Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC19606 2022 第26屆細菌學研討會 111/08/25-27 國立陽明交通大學博愛校區
111 108726101 李00 Deciphering the function of octoploid cultivated strawberry B-BOX protein in photomophogenesis and photosynthesis in transgenic Arabidopsis 後疫情時代之前瞻植物科學與永續農業研討會 111/09/30-10/2 國立中興大學惠蓀林場
111 111726103 賴00 以電腦模擬研究探討抗精神病藥物 kurarinone 與多巴胺 D1 和 D2 受體結合的雙重功能。
In silico study on the dual functions of antipsychotic drug kurarinone bound to dopamine D1 and D2 receptor.
2023年第67屆美國生物物理學年會 2023/02/18-22 美國聖地牙哥
111 111726105 胡00 In Silico Study on the Internal Signal Pathway of Different Mutants of Vasopressin Receptor 2 With Arginine Vasopressin Bound BPS 2023 67th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting 2023/02/18-22 美國聖地牙哥
111 110726101 曾00 A Novel Anthraquinone Derivative Inhibited the Proliferation and Metastasis of Prostate Cancer Cells Through the Mitochondria- Dependent Apoptosis. 第37屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 2023/03/18-19 國防醫學院
111 110726102 黃00 Gene expression of EmaSR regulon 2023年第10屆歐洲微生物學家大會10th Congress of European Microbiologists 112/07/09-13 德國漢堡

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